ADVANCED Price Reports

This is the LOADED Crypto USD Report

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Download LOADED Crypto USD ADVANCED Excel

This is the Crypto BTC ADVANCED Report

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Download Crypto BTC ADVANCED Excel

This is the LOADED Forex Report


The Forex Price Trigger MAY require you to move the decimal over 1 or 2 spots until the price makes sense. Just look at the current price of that instrument and it should be clear.
This has to do with the way the data is published. It is not an error, but does require you to make an adjustment. - PWT Team 
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Download LOADED Forex Excel

This is the LOADED E-Mini Report

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Download LOADED E-Mini Excel

This is the DYNAMIC (Regular) E-Mini Futures Report

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Download E-Mini Dynamic (Regular) Excel

Welcome to the new ADVANCED Membership Reports

Please read before using this page.

  1. This is a Free Preview of a new report Dex has created. Access to this report may require an upgrade in the near future.
  2. The new LOADED Price Trigger Reports are built around a quick, aggressive strategy and should only be used with caution and knowledge. By way of contrast, we now call our "regular" reports "Dynamic Reports" because they employ a dynamic adaptive trading strategy based on market factors.
  3. Use the big buttons to switch between the reports at any time. You can also download them using the links at the bottom.
  4. Pro Members have access to this from now on. Ride those PulseWaves!
  5. Remember: Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs get slaughtered. So take what you can and give nothing back.